The following courses are taught for survival training in accordance with American Red Cross:

Standard First Aid: To teach lay responders the knowledge and skills necessary to give care in an emergency, help sustain life and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until medical help arrives. This course does not include CPR.

Adult CPR: Train lay responders to overcome any reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in adults.

Infant & Child CPR: Train lay responders to overcome any reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in infants and children.

External Defibrullator: To teach lay responders the skills and knowledge needed to provide care for adults experiencing sudden cardiac arrest through the safe use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Also, to teach how to use an AED with pediatric AED pads on child victims between the ages of 1 and 8 or less than 55 pounds.